Hummingbirds are tiny, colorful, and energetic. The hover, pollinate flowers, and show off remarkable iridescent colors. In The Tiny Hummingbird Coloring Book, you can find 17 species to color, word puzzles, and pages for your own bird observations. This tiny book, just 4 by 6 inches, has hummingbird fun you can fit in your pocket.
Below, you can find some free pages from this book. Just click an image to download a PDF of that page. (PDFs have been scaled to 8.5 by 11″ pages.) Or you can see the full book at the link at the bottom of this page.

Observation Sheets
Want to make nature observations? To make a journal, just follow these steps:
- Print the pages: After downloading the file below, select “print.” Print double-sided, flipping on the short edge.
- Fold the pages: With one page on top of the other, fold the pages down the middle, so the cover is on top.
- Staple the pages: Staple two or three times along the folded edge, so you have a little booklet.
Now, find a nature trail or a nice place to sit and watch birds. Record what you see and hear. Try going out at different times of day, or on different days throughout the year. Make observations and sketches. Enjoy your birding!