Want books for education or outreach?

For education and outreach, I’m happy to offer coloring books at a discounted rate. To inquire, please contact me using the form on the “About” page.

A Colorful Introduction to Birds has the most bird information, with short sections on bird color, environments, flight, food, size, and conservation. It also has crosswords, word searches, and fun suggestions for bird activities.

The Tiny Hummingbird Coloring Book is focused on hummingbirds, with brief sections on color, flight, adaptations, conservation, and more. It also provides crosswords, word searches, and pages for nature observations. This is a tiny book (just 6 by 4″), so it can be fit in a pocket.

Birds of the Southwest focuses mostly on bird illustrations, with brief facts about some species from the Southwest U.S.

To learn more, or see preview versions of the books, please get in touch.

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